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Join us for our next MET COMMUNITY Talk

AI in Healthcare: Exploring Gene Editing Technology
With Katrina Lawrence

Thursday, April 25th at 5:00PM PST 

Exploring the topic 

CRISPR/Cas 9 is a gene editing technology, and it is commonly referred to as “genetic scissors” by scientists. The goal is to treat or prevent diseases in people by identifying genetic markers of diseases and performing a gene edit. This technology could help cure sickle cell disease, cancers, HIV, heart disease, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia and other rare diseases. Deep learning models are being used to predict the on-target and off-target activity of CRISPR/Cas 9. In addition, AI generated proteins can also be used to awaken dormant genes by chemically triggering their “on and off switch”. The presentation will go into further depth of how gene edits are performed and the benefits of implementing AI into this technology. While CRISPR/Cas 9 might end up being the cure scientists have spent decades looking for, the presentation will also explore the ethical considerations of adopting such a technology. With every new discovery there is always a push and pull between enthusiasts and those who are leery of the consequences. A discovery such as CRISPR/Cas 9 is groundbreaking and must be carefully introduced into society to maximize its productivity and minimize its risks.

About Katrina:

Katrina Lawrence is an avid mathematician. She recently graduated with a Master of Science in Data Science with a specialization in Machine Learning from Eastern University. She completed her Undergraduate degrees at the University of Western Ontario with an Honours in Applied Mathematics, and an Honours in Business Administration. She is passionate about exploring the mathematics behind AI and has completed several research projects pertaining to AI applications in the health care sector. In her spare time, she coaches karate as a former member of Team Canada, paints landscapes, and plays the cello. 

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